Please email to to redeem any vouchers purchased before the 8th November 2022 as the voucher code will not work with our new voucher system.
*We are looking for volunteers! If you have a genuine passion for animals and love being outdoors in all weathers, we would love to hear from you. Must be 16 or over, confident and reliable. Hours are mostly weekends and school holidays. Please email us with a bit about yourself.
New for 2022…
*We are lucky enough to have 4 new babies for the 2022 season. Finley, Hugo, Rupert and Henry are looking forward to meeting you all.

*Every walking participant aged 12 and above, will have their own alpaca to walk which means the group sizes are even smaller, giving a real intimate, hands on experience.
*Our covered area has been extended and has sides to protect us from the elements when needed.
*Marnie, the baby goat (sister of chuck), joined us in December 2021 and loves to play with our visitors!